Director of the Chamber's Department of External Relations Alexander Kopkov Met Trade Rep of Dominican Republic

The prospects for expanding trade and economic relations, as well as developing ties between the business circles of Russia and the Dominican Republic, were discussed on September 14 at a meeting of the Director of the Chamber’s Department of External Relations, Alexander Kopkov, with the Trade Counselor of the Embassy of this Central American country in Moscow, Nelson Ortega.

“The pandemic years have taught us that without personal contacts between entrepreneurs, especially during exhibitions, it is difficult to conduct business effectively. I urge your companies to participate more often in our congress and exhibition events, in particular at Expocentre,” noted Alexander Kopkov.


Nelson Ortega emphasized that companies from the Dominican Republic are interested in exporting goods to the Russian Federation. “Our large business - exporters of cigars, rum, fruits, despite the Western sanctions policy towards Russia, do not lose interest in the Russian market. We would like to ask for support from the Chamber to enter your small and medium-sized business market,” said the counselor at the Dominican Republic Embassy.

Alexander Kopkov supported the initiative of his Latin American colleague and explained that Dominican business can count on the support of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
“In connection with changes in the foreign economic situation, favorable conditions are currently being formed on the Russian market, which Dominican exporters can take advantage of to increase the volume of goods imported to the Russian Federation and expand their range. At the same time, additional opportunities are opening up to expand cooperation with Russian regions. Our regional chambers are called upon to contribute to this,” noted Alexander Kopkov.


According to him, the development of business relations between our countries is currently hampered by problems related to logistics and finance. The resumption of direct flights to the Dominican Republic, as well as resolving the issue of using bank cards of the MIR payment system, could make a great contribution to increasing the level of business activity between entrepreneurs in our countries.


Press Service of the Chamber