The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Discussed How to Build Up Effective System for Recruitment of Foreign Workers

On December 3, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation held an extended meeting of the Council on Foreign Economic Activity. Its participants considered improving the mechanisms for attracting foreign citizens for employment at Russian enterprises.

One of the main topics was the draft law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation", developed at the beginning of the year by the Ministry of Labor of Russia, but later sent for revision.
Vice President of the Chamber Vladimir Padalko opened the meeting, recalling the ongoing labor shortage in Russia.
"The reality is that without high-quality organization of labor migration processes, it will be very difficult to ensure the effective development of our economy," Vladimir Padalko emphasized.
The Vice President of the Chamber listed the main reasons why the mechanisms for the organized recruitment of migrants are currently not functioning properly.
"The key problem of organized recruitment today is the lack of legal mechanisms that encourage labor migrants to long-term labor relations with employers," noted Vladimir Padalko.
First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Kirill Adzinov informed the audience about changes in the migration policy of the Russian Federation that will come into force in 2025: the maximum visa-free stay of foreign citizens in the country will be reduced to 90 days during the year, and the internal affairs agencies will receive broader rights to prevent and suppress offenses by foreigners.
Head of the Commission on Labor Migration Issues of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for Foreign Economic Activity Nikolai Kurdyumov named three areas for ensuring favorable conditions for the organized recruitment of foreign workers: firstly, the prevention of business offenses, secondly, the formation of effective legal mechanisms and infrastructure for organized recruitment, thirdly, the development and implementation of a set of requirements, incentives and preferences for the gradual provision of target recruitment. In addition, Nikolay Kurdyumov reminded about the responsibility of business when working with labor migrants.
During the discussion, the President of the Association "National Association of Builders" Anton Glushkov, the Head of the Department of Labor Market and International Projects of Rostrud Irina Zubkova, the Deputy Director of the Department of Labor Migration and Social Protection of the EEC Oleg Artamonov, the Director of JSC "Sovkhoz imeni Lenina" Pavel Grudinin, the Chairman of the Committee of the LRCCI on Migration, Employment Support and Labor Productivity Valery Shinkarenko and other representatives of large enterprises, industry associations and expert organizations also spoke. They shared with the participants the experience accumulated by their organizations in interacting with migrants, ways to solve problems related to the employment of foreign citizens and current open questions.
The discussion was attended by the Chairman of the Council for Foreign Economic Activity Andrey Spartak and the Director of the Department of the CCI of the Russian Federation for Work with Branches and Representative Offices of Foreign Legal Entities Vasily Kuznetsov.

                                                                     By Daniil Bordyugov, 

                                                                     Press Service of the Chamber