The President of the Chamber On the Situation of Russian Business after the Departure of Foreign Companies

Western sanctions have affected the work of most Russian enterprises, but about 25% of companies that have lost partners abroad have already found new ones. This was stated to RIA Novosti by the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia Sergey Katyrin.

“We keep our finger on the pulse of business, first of all, of course, small and medium-sized ones as the most vulnerable. We are conducting a study called the Business Barometer of the Country, dedicated to the problems of entrepreneurs in the face of sanctions,” he said.

“It turns out that the sanctions have had a noticeable impact on the work of more than 60% of those surveyed. At the same time, about 25% of companies that have lost partners abroad have found new ones,” the President of the Chamber added.
However, nearly a third, he noted, were still looking for them, and they needed help. "For example, the Chamber recently organized a large business mission to Iran, 100 representatives of Russian companies took part in it," Katyrin said.
At the same time, he pointed to the need to "accelerate the restructuring of the economy."
"We need a monetary policy that takes into account the current realities. It is necessary to expand legislative support for entrepreneurship, help businesses find new foreign trade partners and consumers of our imports, and develop new supply chains," the head of the Chamber concluded.