The President of the Central Siberian Chamber Presented a Certificate of Registration of the Trademark for All-terrain Vehicle

On February 6, the President of the Union of the Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rafael Shageev, presented the owner of the ALLIANCESERVICE Group of Companies, Alexey Klimovich, with a certificate of registration of the trademark of the Varyag all-terrain vehicle.


“Varyag” is a brand of all-terrain vehicles with ultra-low pressure tires. The modular design allows you to make machines of different configurations. The all-terrain vehicle is designed to transport large amounts of cargo or people and is designed to operate in extreme conditions.


Specialists of the Union “CS CCI” provide qualified assistance in preparing documents for registering intellectual property rights. The certificate secures exclusive rights, makes it possible to make a profit from the sale of a license, increases investment attractiveness and helps protect against unfair competition.


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                                    Press Service of the Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry