Kaluga Regional Chamber: Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee Set Up Its Spring Meeting

On March 12, a meeting of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee was held at the Kaluga Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Work began in the spring - festively, with live music, a fashion show, and tasting of locally produced wines and cheeses.

President of the Kaluga Chamber of Commerce and Industry Violetta Komissarova congratulated the invited ladies - members of the Kaluga Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry and project participants on the upcoming, albeit still only calendar spring, shared plans for the coming year and introduced the girls to the concept of the Seven “Os”. Participants learned what they needed to remove from their lives in order to be happy and self-sufficient.

Nadezhda Krysina, Chairman of the Committee on Women’s Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the KO expressed gratitude to the regional Chamber for supporting women’s entrepreneurship in Kaluga.

Candidate of psychological sciences of the VMAC, legal, clinical psychologist Irina Makarenko conducted a short intensive “Note to the Housewife” on anti-stress, in which she noted that happiness is a state of mind and talked about one of the “paths” to this state.

“Remember that state when in childhood we see an extraordinary, wonderful world with “eyes wide open” and we are interested in playing it, getting to know each other, learning about it, creating, disassembling, assembling... and we have so many questions, the search for answers to which is fascinating and "inspires".
At what point do we lose this? Are we losing the drive of knowledge?
I think this happens when we replace joy with pleasure! After all, pleasure is something that does not require your “inclusion” and is quite easy to get: a cake, a massage, a glass of wine. But joy, on the contrary, is always “born” from our “immersion” in activity, when we are involved in what is happening, when we create reality around us,” Irina Makarenko wrote on her social networks after the event.

The spring collection of fashion designer Alina Dmitrieva was presented to the accompaniment of pianist Mikhail Filimonov. Five beautiful girls, together with the head of the Smoothlifestyle PODIUM department, Anastasia Dorokhina, demonstrated branded coats and dresses with floral prints.

The highlight of the event was the discussion of the Women's Forum. In brainstorming mode, participants share their ideas on three points:

Discussion/Track Topic;
Educational component/topic of the seminars
Forum chips.
Business women actively participated in the work and, it should be noted that their proposals turned out to be very interesting and creative, some of them will be taken into account.

The evening ended with informal conversation. In the company of the wonderful sommelier Lydia Bermas, the girls began tasting the wines, having first heard from her the history of their creation.

Well, what would a wine tasting be without cheese? At the festive event, local producers of the Nil farm enterprise, headed by Svetlana Preobrazhenskaya, presented their collection of cheeses.

All participants of the meeting received fragrant hyacinths as a gift from the Kaluga Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

So, to the sounds of light, spring melodies, in a subtle combination of floral aromas and delicious delicacies, and most importantly, in a great mood, the Women's Entrepreneurship Committee began its annual work.

Additional Information:
Organizational Department of the Kaluga Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry
tel. (4842) 27-77-66