President of the Astrakhan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Stanislav Sinchenko Placed Condolences in Memory Book for the President of Iran

President of the Astrakhan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union Stanislav Sinchenko visited on May 22 the Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Astrakhan and left an entry in the book of memory in connection with the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and a number of other important government figures as a result of a helicopter crash.

On behalf of the Astrakhan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and on my own behalf, I expressed my sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims, the entire Iranian people and government. The role of Ebrahim Raisi in strengthening mutually beneficial Russian-Iranian cooperation and trusting partnership is invaluable and will forever remain in our memory.

We share the grief and bitterness of irreparable loss. We wish you patience and mental fortitude in overcoming this most difficult tragedy.

                                                                         Astrakhan Chamber of Commerce and Industry