Delegation from Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Visited Aircraft Producing Company in Zhuhai (Guangdong Province, China)

On January 19 the delegation of Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry visited Chinese company producing unmanned and manned aerial vehicles "GUANGDONG SUANXIN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD." (Zhuhai city). The delegation visited the company's research and production laboratories, an airbase for unmanned and manned aerial vehicles and other production facilities.

The company GUANGDONG SUANXIN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD." is one of the largest in its field and participates in the state program "Low-Altitude Economy". The PRC government stimulates the development of a new sector of the national economy, which includes, in particular, the development of civilian UAVs (for example, food delivery, fire safety monitoring, etc.).

Taking into account that Tatarstan has started implementing the program “Development of unmanned aircraft systems in the Republic of Tatarstan until 2030 and in the long term until 2035” this year, the topic of using China’s experience in developing the UAV production industry and the possibilities of establishing cooperation in this area has aroused great interest among Tatarstan representatives.

It should be noted that individual Chinese companies are already beginning to penetrate the Russian market. And it is important for Tatarstan to get into the new trend of transport aviation development in time, especially since the republic has the appropriate material, technical, scientific and technological base for this.

At the end of the visit to China, the delegation of the Tatarstan CCI headed by the Advisor to the Chairman of the Union "CCI RT" Elena Agzamova, General Director of LLC "AR-GRUPP" Innovative Technologies" Aigul Nuriyeva, other members of the Tatarstan delegation and the management of leading companies of the PRC held a final meeting, where promising areas of effective cooperation, opportunities for participation and holding joint international events were identified.

                                                Press Center of the Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan